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"There is no such thing as a perfect parent. So just be a real one."
Sue Atkins
"The best way to make children good is to make them happy."
Oscar Wilde
"The future of our world is only as bright as the future of our children."
Michelle Obama
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Good to have you here

Do you also feel occasionally that being a parent is tough? Sometimes you’re tired. Sometimes you’re exhausted. Sometimes you feel helpless. And from time to time all three at once. You feel alone because things aren’t going as you hoped, and you think you’re alone in this… That’s exactly how we used to feel. And that’s why we created this page. Maybe it will help in everyday life, with ideas, advice and dilemmas. But mostly with a community where you are not alone.

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Bogi, Suti, and Balázs

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We are prone to and sometimes even confuse empathy with sympathy, and although both are important, it’s worth understanding the

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The family is one of the most important pillars of society because it provides basic values, norms and support that

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Family snapshot hot off the press

What do you think? Your opinion matters.

Rate how true the following statement is for you on a scale!
We will analyze the responses and prepare a summary, which you can find here on the site.

How would you rate your stress level as a parent?
(1 - always stressed, 5 - barely ever stressed )

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Why do we count on your answer?

Basically, we’re curious. About everything. But here, most importantly, about what you think about parenting, how you feel in your own skin as a parent. The questions are sometimes simple, sometimes thought-provoking, sometimes contradictory. Or all at once. We want to know what our community of readers thinks, but most importantly, how they feel about parenting. We always discuss the results.

Thoughts about the previous questions

We hope you like the page. Our readers wrote this about us:

Articles about sibling challenges

Positive Parenting

“Positive Parenting” is an approach that focuses on children’s emotional and social needs while creating a supportive and encouraging environment

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Kőszegi Boglárka


Sutka Krisztina


Vendler Balázs
